Woodshop thermostat automations via ISY Portal

Thanks to Universal Devices (UDI) we have an ISY-994 with Z-Wave and access to their web Portal! We can also enable Google/Alexa/IFTTT now.  https://wiki.universal-devices.com/index.php?title=ISY_Portal_Amazon_Echo_Integration_V3#Thermostats For example, in the woodshop, we use our Axis Communications camera motion detector to set-back the thermostat when room is empty for an hour. For the main hydronic baseboards, we’re going to […]

Our own “Conservation Committee”

Our heating costs were significant last winter. We’re establishing an informal “Conservation Committee” to come up with recommendations to reduce Makerspace utility bills. Suggestions so far include: Our initial focus will be on LED lights to replace the ancient fluorescent tubes. Benefits we can expect include energy efficiency, longer lifespan, and better light quality. Energy […]